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Le Bestiaire périmé / Sarah Bouillaud

Le Bestiaire périmé

Le Consort, Gwendoline Blondeel

Performed by Gwendoline Blondeel and the musicians of the Consort, this special Bestiaire brings together contemporary aesthetics and Baroque sonorities. It questions our contemporary fables: where does the imagination of man go when animals escape? What do leviathans, vouivres, unicorns, phoenixes, yetis, hippogriffs and mermaids tell us about ourselves? What have mammoths, tarpans and dodos become? For this re-creation of the work originally commissioned by the Festivals de Wallonie from Belgian composer Jean-Luc Fafchamps in 2021, two additional songs enrich the cycle. And to complete this curious and poetic programme, the Consort dips into Louis-Antoine Lefebvre's Cantatilles for a more properly Baroque evocation of nature under the imaginary foliage of Studio 1!

Flagey, Festival Musiq3

In the context of

Festival Musiq3 2024
