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Danish String Quartet
Danish String Quartet / Caroline Bittencourt

Danish String Quartet & Johannes Rostamo

Doppelgänger IV

Discover the fourth and final part of Doppelgänger, the multi-year project in which the Danish String Quartet invites contemporary composers to engage in dialogue with a masterpiece by Franz Schubert. As a grand finale, the quartet invites cellist Johannes Rostamo, cello leader of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, for a programme of string quintets. The central work is Schubert's String Quintet in C Major, considered his musical testament, which becomes the inspiration for Thomas Adès' brand new composition Wreath for Franz Schubert. Adès is known for its eclectic style and rich range of timbres, and like Schubert, he uses the unique setting of string quartet and adds a cello.

Flagey, ECM Records

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Danish String Quartet | 14.10.22 at Studio 4, Flagey