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Naïssam Jalal / Jérôme Prébois

Naïssam Jalal

album presentation : Healing Rituals (2023, Les couleurs du son)

Naïssam Jalal draws on ancient wisdom and rituals in search of stillness, trance and beauty - all three essential for the healing of a suffering body. And that is exactly what Jalal's music gifts our world with her breathtaking flute playing and mesmerising voice. Interweaving Egyptian, Moroccan and American traditions, her latest album is indeed a Healing Rituals (2023, Les couleurs du son). It is no surprise that The Guardian gave the album five stars and described Jalal as "a visionary flautist".


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Naïssam Jalal "Healing Rituals" - Rituel du vent (Live @points_communs_sn)
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Naïssam Jalal "Healing Rituals" - Rituel de la terre (Live @points_communs_sn)