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The Sous-Entendu-e-s film club: Irréprochables

Sophie Breyer, Flore Mercier, Angèle Bardoux

Confronted with the loss of their parental rights or jeopardised by court rulings, mothers meet with actresses and tell them how their lives have unfolded within the institutions of Youth Aid. Together, they re-enact the flaws in the system that have gradually distanced these mothers from their children.

Cineflagey by Cinematek & Kinograph

The Sous-Entendu-e-s film club

In collaboration with Kinograph, the feminist collective Les Sous-Entendu.e.s will be screening documentaries and films, followed by a debate with guest speakers on themes relating to sexist and sexual violence and the representation of FINTA people (women, intersex people, non-binary people, trans people and agender people) on the big and small screens.

From blockbuster films to documentaries, we'll be looking at them from a feminist and intersectional angle.