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La part des autres (Jean-Baptiste Delpias & Olivier Payage)

La part des autres

Jean-Baptiste Delpias & Olivier Payage

Special screening organised by the Cabas cooperative as part of the Nourrir Bruxelles festival. The screening will be followed by a discussion (in French) on the practical solutions put in place in Brussels to support producers and give as many people as possible access to quality produce. With Adèle Funes from Vrac ASBL, Mathilde Leboeuf from Cabas and Jonathan Peuch from CréaSSA.

In Quentin's cereal fields or in Nathalie's garrigue, during a discussion about good food with David, in the Keredern district of Brest or with volunteers in food aid queues, La Part des autres looks at a multitude of real-life situations. Taken together, these situations allow us to question the agricultural system as a whole, even going so far as to imagine a social security system for food...

Cineflagey by Cinematek & Kinograph

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La part des autres