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Andreas Haefliger / Marco Borggreve

Andreas Haefliger

Andreas Haefliger' is one of the greatest interpreters... one of the most serious and innovative pianists of the moment ... breathtaking virtuosity ... a real Beethovenian' (The Daily Telegraph, 2018). This Swiss pianist is known as a great Beethoven connoisseur and we are eagerly awaiting his interpretation of the Thirtieth Sonata, which he combines with the virtuoso Paintings from an exhibition by Mussorgsky.

Flagey, Goethe-Institut Belgien

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Flagey Piano Days 2020
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Mussorgsky | Pictures at an Exhibition · The Hut on Hen's Legs "Baba Yaga" | Andreas Haefliger
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Flagey Piano Days 2020 | Aftermovie


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Flagey Piano Days 2020