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Parc Leopold - Leopoldpark / GlobalView

Visite guidée : à la découverte du quartier européen!

Before the concert, discover Brussels! [FR]

The European district is a rather unknown neighbourhood. We walk through the history of the district and look at the various European institutions. But we also look at the future of this neighbourhood, because all sorts of plans are being prepared: Christian de Portzamparc's master plan, the redevelopment of the Schuman Square, Pierre Blondel's Leopold's Village, a complex of homes, shops and hotels built on top of the Belliard Tunnel, the decongestion of the Place de Luxembourg...

The tour ends at 5:30pm. After the tour, you can attend the concert by Brussels Philharmonic at Flagey: 'Birds: Messiaen & Stravinsky'. There's a combiticket for both the tour and the concert. 

Flagey, Muntpunt, Brussels Philharmonic, Korei

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