Brahms Weekend
A weekend dedicated to the chamber music of Johannes Brahms in the company of Augustin Dumay and his friends.
The music by the German composer Johannes Brahms guarantees poignant melodies, warm sounds, and an originality that still defies all imagination. Reason enough for Flagey to dedicate a weekend to this particular composer with chamber music concerts, lectures and a family workshop. The host for this weekend is violinist Augustin Dumay, who is joined by his musical friends such as Henri Demarquette, Miguel da Silva, Hélène Desaint, Louis Lortie, David Kadouch as well as young Elisabeth Competition laureates such as Lorenzo Gatto and Aurélien Pascal.
In collaboration with the Brussels Chamber Music Festival which will celebrate its fifth anniversary and will take place on the same week‑end in Castle Karreveld.
Are you a member of an academy of music or a conservatory? Take advantage of our discounted price of €5 for the concerts of the Brahms Weekend. For more information and tickets, please send an mail
Piknik with Brahms Piknik with Brahms
Piknik concert
Brahms Weekend
Fri. 05.10.18 — 12:30 -
Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #1 Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #1
with Augustin Dumay, Lorenzo Gatto, Miguel da Silva, Hélène Desaint, Henri Demarquette, Aurélien Pascal & Louis Lortie
Brahms Weekend
Fri. 05.10.18 — 20:15 -
Thomas Enhco Thomas Enhco
Brahms Weekend
Sat. 06.10.18 — 18:00 -
Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #2 Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #2
with Augustin Dumay, Lorenzo Gatto, David Kadouch, Miguel da Silva, Henri Demarquette & Louis Lortie
Brahms Weekend
Sat. 06.10.18 — 20:15 -
Family Workshop: Brahms Family Workshop: Brahms
Junior 6+
Brahms Weekend
Sun. 07.10.18 — 12:00 -
Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #3 Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #3
with Lorenzo Gatto, David Kadouch, Miguel da Silva & Aurélien Pascal
Brahms Weekend
Sun. 07.10.18 — 14:00 -
Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #4 Augustin Dumay’s Brahms #4
with Augustin Dumay, Lorenzo Gatto, David Kadouch, Miguel da Silva, Henri Demarquette & Louis Lortie
Brahms Weekend
Sun. 07.10.18 — 17:00