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Élodie Vignon & Marco Mantovani / India Lange Kopie / Tom De Beuckelaer Photographer

a conversation with Élodie Vignon and Marco Mantovani | Flagency

They undoubtedly have talent. But it takes more than that to build a career in music. That’s why Flagency decided to support the promising young pianists Élodie Vignon and Marco Mantovani for three years, both artistically and financially. We had a talk with them about their latest projects.

In 2020, you both performed at Flagey for the first time. Afterward, you were invited to join the support project for young musicians, "Flagency." That certainly bodes well for the future. What is your main project for the upcoming season?

Élodie: The release of the first part of the complete collection of Claude Debussy’s works! The recording will take place in the beautiful Studio 1 at Flagey, and the album will be released during the Flagey Piano Days 2025. I’ll then go on tour through Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, and Spain to bring this repertoire, which I’ve loved for years, to life.

Marco: In the fall of 2024, I’ll be releasing an album dedicated to Robert Schumann, the final part of a trilogy. It’s called “On the Shoulders of Giants” because we need the geniuses of the past to broaden our perspectives.

What inspired you to create these albums?

Élodie: Debussy as a composer is very close to my heart, and I always return to his music. My first album in 2018 was dedicated to his last works, the Études. I quickly felt the need to release a complete collection to follow his creative development. That’s why I will be releasing his works in chronological order. The upcoming album begins with a transcription for two pianos of Debussy's Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, which Pierre Boulez described as “the first piece of music of the twentieth century.”

Marco: The album features two major works by Robert Schumann, the Fantasie in C major, Op. 17, and Davidsbündlertänze, both connected to his great influences, Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert. This album highlights the great tensions in Schumann’s work. I’ll be performing part of this album in October at Flagey, combined with one of Beethoven's darker sonatas, Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor, which creates an interesting dialogue with Schumann’s Fantasie in C major, a homage to Beethoven.

You’re dedicating the start of your career to a collection of works by Claude Debussy (Élodie Vignon) and Robert Schumann (Marco Mantovani). Where does your fascination with these composers come from?

Élodie: I have a special emotional and tactile affinity with Debussy. I feel at home when I play his music. His mystery fascinates me. It’s hard to explain, but there’s something in his music that deeply moves me.

Marco: As a composer, Schumann always balanced between tradition and originality. This tension in his work greatly appeals to me. In my new album, I show how Schumann found his own voice despite his deep admiration for Beethoven and Schubert.

Enthusiasm and talent are one thing, but releasing an album requires a lot of planning, connections, and an audience. How does Flagency support you in these projects?

Marco: Flagency supports me by presenting the project to an audience. We are also exploring possibilities for future projects. I hope that Flagency will continue to play a valuable role in realizing my ideas, for example by providing a platform or introducing me to their network.

Élodie: I can record my upcoming album in Studio 1 at Flagey, which has some of the best acoustics in Europe. Additionally, I can present the album to the public during the Flagey Piano Days. Flagey’s excellent reputation helps me attract other institutions and create new opportunities.

Where do you see yourselves in a few years? What are your dreams for the future?

Marco: As I complete my Schumann project, I’m already thinking about the next steps: bringing new solo programs to a broader audience, and expanding my activities as a chamber musician. Currently, I’m an assistant piano professor at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. I feel at home here and would love to stay in Brussels.

Élodie: I’m also a foreigner in Brussels, but I’ve lived here for twenty years. The Debussy project with five albums is a long-cherished dream coming true. This project will take five to six years and offers an in-depth exploration of French aesthetics, with Debussy as the central figure. My goal is to expand my repertoire and performances, both in Europe and worldwide. I aim to continue growing and reaching new prestigious stages and institutions. It’s always fascinating to see how different audiences and countries respond differently to music.

Flagency is a collaboration between Flagey and BNP Paribas Fortis. Read more here.

Marco Mantovani plays a Piknik concert on October 25th. Discover his third album dedicated to Robert Schumann alongside Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 17!

Élodie Vignon will be featured during the Flagey Piano Days 2025 with a beautiful program. Her new album, the first part of the complete collection of Debussy's works, will be released by that time.

Interview by Hanna Karalic