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Antoine Pierre / Elena Majecki


Brussels Philharmonic, Michael Seal, Antoine Pierre

For the first time at the Festival Musiq3, we invite you to an exceptional evening of symphonic and electronic music in the legendary Studio 4. Conducted by English conductor Michael Seal, come and hear The Inextinguishable, the quintessential romantic work by Danish composer Carl Nielsen. Rarely performed, the power of this symphony connects us to the most primitive sources of the flow of life, to what affects human beings, animals and plants. We asked Antoine Pierre to create a bridge between symphonic music and his world. Surrounded by a unique cockpit of drums and electronics, Brussels-based drummer and producer Antoine Pierre has created a collection of samples that he organically mixes in real time with his own drum grooves. Whether it's pulsating synthesizers, snatches of otherworldly voices, or enchanted and troubled spurts of sound, each electronic element blends perfectly with the rhythms played live by Antoine. Sometimes hypnotic and captivating, sometimes blossoming with downtempo dub vibes, but always inventive and surprisingly layered, let yourself be tempted by a unique experience!

Flagey, Festival Musiq3

In the context of

Festival Musiq3 2024
