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“Strawberry Tree”

Christine Verschorren invites Margaret Hermant, Fred Lyenn, Adrien Lambinet & Jef Mercelis

Artist and sound and mixing engineer Christine Verschorren invites Margaret Hermant, Fred Lyenn, Adrien Lambinet and Jef Mercelis for an immersive, multi-broadcast sound experience into the worlds of flora and fauna as well as the vibrations of the earth made audible. They will combine the magic of their musical sensibilities with those of the natural world, listening attentively to nature and music through different time dimensions to grasp the constant interconnections between each element and the universe as a whole.This experience allows us to feel the movement of the universe through the continuous sound evolution of its energy and to perceive the human connection through this field, through the universal language of music.

Flagey, Week van de Klank / Semaine du Son

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AFTERMOVIE ~ La Semaine du Son / De Week van de Klank 2024